During my hiatus, I followed "The Artist's Way" program; a 12-week program created by creativity guru, Julia Cameron who teaches one how to live a more creative and fulfilled life.
Many years ago, I took a creative writing course in uni and both my writing tutors highly recommended "The Artist's Way" to everyone in class. I had the book for almost a decade and still follow some exercises recommended by the author, Julia Cameron. One exercise which I still do religiously is the morning pages, which is basically writing on longhand three A4 pages, first thing in the morning. All good thoughts, bad thoughts, cranky thoughts, hopeful thoughts, wishful thoughts, fearful thoughts end up documented in three pages. The Morning Pages have worked as I've accumulated a 3-feet high Morning Pages journals written over the years.
When I started the cake biz, I had both good and negative reactions from people I know. Somehow, earlier this year, the naysayers got louder and appeared more frequently in my life while I was struggling on a steep and slippery learning curve.
At times, I fought back and set boundaries but I found myself wasting precious time and energy defending my dream. Soon, I got caught up in the negative spiral of being angry, defensive and mad with all discouraging remarks and negative presence from contaminating people.
I had wanted to so badly take off and run away from all my problems. Go visit France. Or maybe I should have a short break at Bali, Koh Samui. I dunno. I just want to get away from it all!
I spent weeks wallowing and moping, plagued with negative, self-defeating thoughts- Maybe I'm not cut out to be an entrepreneur. Who am I kidding myself, really? Why am I doing this?
One morning, while cleaning my bookshelf, my eyes keep glancing back at The Artist's Way. It was as if my instincts kept prodding me to go open and read the book.
Some life lessons I gained from "The Artist's Way":
- Do whatever it takes today to get back on track - bake, write, draw, etc.
- For now, I need to keep quiet on my biz plans.
- Choose to surround myself with people who believe in me.
Thank you, Julia Cameron for your wonderful book. You are my life saviour.
* Photos of sugar orchids made for Laine's wedding cake.
Wah liau eh! Finally! Keep on with that dream of yours. Someone once told me, 'The best revenge is to be successful!' So there.
Go on gurl!
P/S wa. i actually thought that the orchid is real leh...that's compliments to you!
Yes it has been awhile! Glad you are back updating :) Flowers look really nice too.Have faith and keep the negative vibes at bay.
you've an amazing gift, proven by those pictures above, and many times people with amazing gifts are brought down by pessimists, resulting in the waste of that perfectly good gift. don't be one of those unlucky people. you're on the right track though (judging by the goals you've listed).
Thanks all for the positive and encouraging comments. :)
lovely orchid.
So if we ordered a cake do we get the book thrown in? Doesn't seem like a bad idea figuring out our life while eating cake! ;)
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