Friday, June 24, 2005

A small world, indeed

As I write this entry, my heart is still palpitating over what happened this evening. My hand is trembling a little as I type these words.

This is how it began.

I went out for dinner with Rob who wanted to introduce me to his friends. He figured it was time for me to meet his male buddies. Guess who was there? Of all people?

Yes, Mr. J.

When I saw him sitting among the group of guys, my heart skipped a beat. I think I went pale with shock and immediately, I felt awkward and frantic inside. The best thing I could do was to maintain my composure and remind myself constantly to keep calm.

He was equally surprised to see me. Before Rob could introduce me to him, I quickly announced that we knew each other. I didn't want to add to the awkwardness by shaking his hand. But silly Rob insisted that I sit next to Mr. J because we are 'old friends'. He left me sitting next to Mr. J and sat diagonally across me.

The whole night, Rob was engrossed in catching up with his buddies. I had no other alternative but to carry a conversation with Mr. J. I was acting cool about the whole thing and so was he. As the hour went on, Mr. J and I hit off where we left, months back. I had a good time, chatting and laughing with him.

At one point, I leaned my head back on the sofa and felt his arm, stretched out . Rob looked at us and said, "Hey, both of you looked good together" (?). Stunned, I could only look at him incredulously.

Honestly, it felt so good sitting next to Mr. J. I won't deny this but there's this undeniably real chemistry between me and him. He smelt so good. It felt so good, him next to me. When our shoulders brushed accidentally, I couldn't help but feel sparks.

Now, I wonder if my "millenium virgin" status with Rob was my subconscious trying to tell me this one very important bit of information- I still have the hots for Mr. J.

Damn! Damn! Damn!


Blogger Little Miss Drinkalot said...

So how, liddat?!?!

10:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Life's funny, isn't it?
Just when you think you've gotten over the old one, and that you're happy with the new one... life gives you a twist to give you the real status of the heart.

Choose wisely then. :-O

8:44 PM  
Blogger Cupcake Queen said...

Dear Anjali & LMD, I'm taking my time assesing the real status of my heart with both Rob & Mr. J. Rob is a real sweetie and Mr. J - I had a momentary thought of him being the father of my children.

5:45 PM  
Blogger Cupcake Queen said...

Anjali - Who I'm gonna choose? I've no idea. I like them both for their own unique quirks and flaws.

10:02 PM  
Blogger anjali* said...

Aiyo. You ask me, ah?

Once I told myself that I would go for the person whom I am more attracted to, whom I can see more "future" growing old with. Whom I know I would love to watch sleeping next to me when I wake up every morning. A face which I won't tire of. He turned out to be a major disappointment.

And then, there's Jess whom I thought was the ONE. He's everything I want in a man. But I have no guts to tell him how I feel. And he already has a girlfriend. So we are just "friends". Sigh.

I think it's also wise to pick someone whom you like, yet loves you more.

Hope that helps. Good luck!

Will send my invoice soon :-)

6:29 PM  

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