Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Bonjour from Paris!

Did massive, massive art-gazing, a bit sick of art galleries and museum right now. Have never spoken so much French in my life. French people are warm & friendly only AFTER I speak French. So much formalities here- ie. When you enter a shop, you'd have to greet the salesperson/cashier 'Bonjour' and say 'Au revoir' before stepping out.

Frenchmen are the best looking lot in this world. Without fail, every morning in the Metro train, I'd spot a handsome Frenchman. Heh. Imagine, not once, I thought about Mr. J. He sounded a bit disappointed when he called me a few days ago.

Still, they can be a persistent lot. Got hassled everday. Some would slow down their cars/bikes to greet me - Bonjour, ca va? Tout va bien? in the hopes of getting a favourable response from me. Still, I'm in foreign land, so they'd get a cool response from me - haha.

All in all, it's been good. Getting off here. Internet usage clock counting down in the last 3 minutes. ;)


Blogger A cupcake or two said...

Bonjour!! Sounds like you are having a wonderful time. Hope to see some photos when you get back.

9:16 AM  
Blogger anjali* said...

Bonjour Mademoiselle! Forget J. Just enjoy yourself!!! :)

6:33 PM  
Blogger Cupcake Queen said...

Merci beaucoup! Took heaps of photo that I'm suffering from photo-taking fatigue syndrome.. :P

6:10 PM  

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