Friday, November 12, 2004

Random boredom remedy

I'm still farking bored from Wed's lunch. The spillover effect of Wed's lunch has killed my mood for the past two days. I've been mulling over why I can't get over Mr. J once and for all. Perhaps, it's because he told me his birthday and I found out he's astrologically compatible, in both Chinese and Western horoscope signs. And that could be one reason why I can't let go of him.

This afternoon, I had enough of analysing every little detail to death and decided to bake a "Liquer Chocolate Cake" from Donna Hay's 'Flavours' cookbook. And while rummaging through the fridge, looking for baking chocolate, I found a packet of leftover chocolate chips.

Ate the damn lot of choc chips and they tasted unconventionally good. They're meant for baking, so they aren't too sweet, very dark chocolatey and fun to eat - you pop a small choc chip in your mouth, chew and pop another and another and another until you finish the whole bag of choc chip. Even better than Lindt Dark Chocolate.


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