Thursday, March 09, 2006

Anti-surfing device

While dining with Mr. J, Mr Busybody Glenn and his lovely girlfriend, Jo , we lamented on how the internet can be a real time-sucker and a real pain to our wrists and backs.

Admit it, yeah? We all do the unnecessary surfing. For me, it's countless baking sites and addictive blogs.

And this got me thinking, how about an anti-surfing software that sets a surfing quota for the day. Not only that, it rewards you with points which you can redeem on cool tech gifts from their merchants when you've been good.

Just a thought.


Blogger Knitty Yas said...

do you have any idea what would happen if that was implimented? i would be constantly going over my surfing time with blogs alone! let alone the google image searches and so on. plus the rare urge to figure out what exactly is in hummus.

3:22 PM  
Blogger anjali* said...

Ekkks. Don't agree! I object! I object!

5:42 PM  

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