Thursday, December 01, 2005

Epiphany whoosh

Today, I had a moment of epiphany that lifted away the inert weight I've been reluctantly dragging around for the past 2 months. This evening, I was running errands at Midvalley- banking my cheques, paying bills, grocery shopping when I heard a soft voice whooshed inside my head for a split second.

"Honey, you gotta focus on what you want. Stop focusing on what you don't want coz you're diverting all your energies from what's really important in your life. Think of what you'd like in your life instead."

Now I realised that for the past month I've been trying so hard to get rid of all the drama queens, energy suckers, nay-sayers and people/situations who don't have faith in me and my dreams. As a result, I was so intent to making sure they don't exist in my life. It was "I don't want this. And I don't want that".

No wonder, I was morphing into a grouchbag. I was unhappy, weary and tired with every bloody single thing in my life. I FORGOT! Yes, I forgot what I would like my life to be like. Damn, you know those how self-help gurus say you create your reality on what you focus your thoughts on. Yes, it's so true.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So true! I've been letting lots of things and people around me drag me down too. Some I can't help it, they're my family members, and I have to see them everyday. Some I can help, like not going to websites where there are nasty flamers. But I've got some personal decisions to make, some hopes dashed...I know...I SHOULD FOCUS ON WHAT I WANT. Thanks for this enlightening post!

12:45 AM  
Blogger A cupcake or two said...

dont you love epiphanies? they just appear out of nowhere! i wish i had more of them in my life :) Am glad you had one.

8:30 PM  
Blogger Cupcake Queen said...

anon- You're most welcome!

tiff- Yep, I love them, too. They push me back to the real thing in my life.

4:31 PM  

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