Wednesday, December 08, 2004

My DNA stops here

Yesterday, my relos from Seremban came to my house.

So, there we were, at the living room, chatting and I suddenly asked my aunt if she was excited with the arrival of her first grandchild next year, in February. Instead, she shook her head and said just thinking about it gave her a headache. My cousin hasn't made any childcare arrangements and my aunt was reluctance to take care of her grandchild. Simply because she'd spent the last 12 years taking care of my other two cousins and had enough of babysitting.

Oh, well. To which I replied - I shall remain as I am. I'll not get married and I'll not pass on my genes. My genes stop here.

I'm rather suprised with my sudden announcement to not get married. Perhaps, after a disappointing year with Mr.J, I'd become cynical with the whole idea of meeting the right man to marry. I'm afraid I'm turning into an androgynist. Oh, dear. I hope this is just a passing phase after Mr. J.

So, today I made a conscious decision to let go of this fairy tale vision of meeting the right man and get married. I seriously was suffering from "the grass is greener" syndrome when I had a crush on Mr. J earlier this year.


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