Monday, April 18, 2005

Yes, sir. How can I help you?

Ever since my breakup with my last boyfriend, Greg years ago, I've been inundated with requests from meddling aunties and well-meaning friends for a date set-up. My participation to these "set-ups" depends solely on my mood. If I'm PMS-ing big-time, then they can forget about it. However, if they ask nicely and I know good intentions are on their side, I'd usually say yes, after much mulling over and waiting to see how I feel.

In the past few years, I've been sporadically getting phone calls from strange men. And lately, one particular Aunty X has been enthusiastically giving my phone number to any eligible bachelors she knows. Those poor men all sounded embarassingly uncomfortable when I told them flatly that I had absolutely no idea who they were, and that Aunty X hadn't inform me of their phone calls.

Last week, I was PMS-ing and was in no mood to entertain any of those moronic phone calls. It happened on Friday night - the night before I surfed the great red tide. I got increasingly irritated with the Desperado on the other line. And I was ever ready to hang up rudely when, suddenly I had a flash of inspiration.

I simply asked Mr. Desperado if he'd be interested in my services as I'm a consultant of X field with 7 years of experience. Just like that, my tone automatically switched to a friendly and professional mode, marketing myself to a potential client. In the end, I had a nice chat with Mr. Desperado, with him promising to spread the word around.

Ah, now I know what to do with those annoying Desperado phone calls. I'd turn them into prospective clients and market myself to those Desperados. Instead of curtly telling them, I don't even know them in the first place, and that I wasn't informed of their phone calls, I'll eagerly tell them that I'm expecting their phone calls!

Now, I must go thank all meddling aunties and well-meaning friends for passing my contact number around. And for giving me word-of-mouth leads.

This is definitely working out to my advantage. Why, oh why hadn't I thought of this before?

*smacks forehead*


Blogger Little Miss Drinkalot said...

Haha! Good thinking! Better late than never, right?

12:46 PM  

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