Mememe 4
Alrighty. Got tagged by Little Miss Drinkalot.
4 jobs you've had in your life
- University library assistant (Australia)
- Kitchenhand at a Thai restaurant (Australia)
- Bank Officer (M'sia)
- Advertising Account Exec (M'sia)
4 movies you could watch over and over
- The Sound of Music
- Little Women
- Amelie Poulain
- The Bourne Identity (+ Supremacy)
4 TV shows you love(d) to watch
- Come Dine with Me
- Faking It
- Sex and the City
4 places you've lived
- 612, Taman Nee Yan, Seremban
- Upstairs a double-storey terrace house at Ipoh Road, KL which was opposite a pig farm.
- An old, creaky fifties era house in Australia
- Studio flat in Australia
4 places you've been on vacation to
- Tokyo
- Sydney
- Hong Kong
- Burma
4 places you would rather be
- Provence
- Paris
- San Francisco
- New York
4 of your favourite foods
- Tandoori Chicken & Nan
- Seremban Beef Noodles
- Hokkien Noodles
- Sashimi
4 websites you visit daily
- HSX (to rub my hands in glee; watching my Hollywood shares grow)
- Elle
- The Writer's Almanac ( Garrison Keller's voice is so earthy and mellow)
- New Musical Express
4 tagged
- Anjali
- JellyGirl
- Tiffanie
- Mao Tai
4 jobs you've had in your life
- University library assistant (Australia)
- Kitchenhand at a Thai restaurant (Australia)
- Bank Officer (M'sia)
- Advertising Account Exec (M'sia)
4 movies you could watch over and over
- The Sound of Music
- Little Women
- Amelie Poulain
- The Bourne Identity (+ Supremacy)
4 TV shows you love(d) to watch
- Come Dine with Me
- Faking It
- Sex and the City
4 places you've lived
- 612, Taman Nee Yan, Seremban
- Upstairs a double-storey terrace house at Ipoh Road, KL which was opposite a pig farm.
- An old, creaky fifties era house in Australia
- Studio flat in Australia
4 places you've been on vacation to
- Tokyo
- Sydney
- Hong Kong
- Burma
4 places you would rather be
- Provence
- Paris
- San Francisco
- New York
4 of your favourite foods
- Tandoori Chicken & Nan
- Seremban Beef Noodles
- Hokkien Noodles
- Sashimi
4 websites you visit daily
- HSX (to rub my hands in glee; watching my Hollywood shares grow)
- Elle
- The Writer's Almanac ( Garrison Keller's voice is so earthy and mellow)
- New Musical Express
4 tagged
- Anjali
- JellyGirl
- Tiffanie
- Mao Tai
Wow. Didn't know you have visited Tokyo.
Anyway, completed the meme oredi. Go see ;)
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