Friday, August 19, 2005

Let's get physical

Last night, Mr. J and I did our first movie date. Knowing me a true chocoholic, he booked two tickets for "Charlie & The Chocolate Factory". I had a good time, giggling watching the 5 kids going google-eyed at the chocolate factory, the chocolate stream and the ompah-loopahs.

Over the past few weeks, I realised that Mr. J & I enjoy each other's company tremendously. He makes me laugh. I love listening to his stories about his work, childhood and school days. We tease each other good-naturedly on everything. We put each other in a happy mood. We are amused by the stories we exchange. Slowly, I'm discovering other facets of his personality and his life.

After the movie, he drove me back to his place to hang out, drink wine and chat about a million things.
This morning, I woke up with his arms around me. I could hear his heart beating rhythmically and steadily.

It was still dark and I was lying peacefully on his chest. Random thoughts flitted in and out quietly in my head. And I decided that I'm not going to deny the crazy, intense physical and sexual attraction between us anymore.

Mr. J and I agreed to go take a STD test tomorrow.


Blogger anjali* said...

Alrighty, good luck with the tests.
And since you're at it, why don't both of you take blood tests as well, to see if your blood types are compatible - for your children's sake.


8:03 PM  
Blogger Little Miss Drinkalot said...

Good luck!

So exciting!!! This is better than reading story book!

11:18 PM  
Blogger Cupcake Queen said...

Anj - I'm not planning too far ahead with Mr.J. One step at a time, yah? Don't lar scare me.

LMD - Thanks, life is full surprises. :D

6:58 PM  
Blogger JellyGirl said...

Oooh, so this is a new step in the relationship with Mr J! LMD is right, this is way more exciting than a storybook!

9:35 AM  

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