Wednesday, February 23, 2005

The dried meat made me do it

This morning, I woke up with a very dry throat. The weather hasn't been good, either. It was sweltering hot and dry, last night. There was nothing appealing to eat for breakfast except for a tupperware filled with kon yoke (dried meat), nicely cut up into neat 2-inch squares. Surely, one small piece won't hurt.

While getting ready for work, I did the unimaginable. Yes, I texted Mr. J and asked him to lunch. But. Yes, but I also texted 3 other friends (backup plan, mah). However, they replied saying they were busy with other plans.

Three hours later, I was feeling feverish and weak. Dielah, the kon yoke is making me sick! Suddenly, I lost my appetite. And all I want is my ultimate comfort food when sick -a bowl of soupy, watery rice porridge.

So, I came home to make watery, soupy rice porridge flavoured with Bovril. And quickly took 2 panadols and a tablespoon of Manuka honey to stop a full-blown flu/cold.

As for Mr.J, hmmph... the dungu has confirmed himself a big DUNGU. He didn't even reply my SMS.


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